Groups and Categories
In AgroPortal, ontologies are organized in groups and tagged with categories. Typically, groups associate ontologies from the same project or organization for better identification of the provenance. Whereas categories are about subjects/topics and enable to classify ontologies. As of 2016, AgroPortal's categories were established in cooperation with FAO AIMS. In 2024, we moved to UNESCO nomenclature for fields of science and technology. Groups and categories, along with other metadata, can be used on the “Browse” page of AgroPortal to filter out the list of ontologies.
6 ontologies
This group includes ontologies currently available within the platform.c See more...
Wheat Data Interoperability working group (WHEAT)
7 ontologies
This group includes the ontologies used by the RDA Wheat Data Interoperability working group. See more...
National research institute for agriculture, food and the environment (INRAE)
15 ontologies
This group includes INRAE ontologies. See more...
2 ontologies
The SemanDiv working group contributes to the resolution of semantic heterogeneity in the thematic field of biodiversity. See more...
Consortium of Agricultural Biological Databases (AGBIODATA)
8 ontologies
AgBioData is a consortium of agricultural biological databases which strive to identify common goals relating to data set acquisition, display, user retrieval and manipulation; data, software and hardware standards, and database best practices. See more...
Rice Data Interoperability working group (RICE)
7 ontologies
This group includes ontologies used by the RDA Rice Data Interoperability working group. See more...
Agronomic Linked Data (AGROLD)
5 ontologies
This group includes ontologies used in the Agronomic Linked Data project. See more...
Crop Ontology Curation Tool (CROP)
4 ontologies
This group includes the ontologies that form the Crop Ontology and currently available within the platform. See more...
Agricultural Sciences (AGRI)
21 ontologies
UNESCO nomenclature for fields of science and technology: 31 Agricultural Sciences ( See more...
Show sub categories
Agricultural chemistry (CHEM)
0 ontologies
UNESCO nomenclature for fields of science and technology: 3101 Agricultural chemistry ( See more...
Horticulture (HORTI)
0 ontologies
UNESCO nomenclature for fields of science and technology: 3107 Horticulture ( See more...
Agricultural engineering (ENGI)
0 ontologies
UNESCO nomenclature for fields of science and technology: 3102 Agricultural engineering ( See more...
Farms and Farming Systems (FARMING)
3 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities and processes related to farming systems See more...
Plant Phenotypes and Traits (TRAITS)
6 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities and processes relating to phenotypes and traits for plants See more...
Plant Anatomy and Development (PLANTDEV)
4 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities and processes relating to plant components and their development See more...
Natural Resources, Earth and Environment (NATRES)
4 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities and processes relevant to natural resources See more...
Animal Science and Animal Products (ANIMAL)
8 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities relevant to animal science See more...
Life Sciences (LIFE)
0 ontologies
UNESCO nomenclature for fields of science and technology: 24 Life Sciences ( See more...
Show sub categories
Plant Biology (Botany) (BOTA)
0 ontologies
UNESCO nomenclature for fields of science and technology: 2417 Plant Biology (Botany) ( See more...
Insects and Entomology (ENTOM)
0 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities and processes related to entomology See more...
Biodiversity and Ecology (BIODIV)
5 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities and processes in biodiversity and ecology domains. See more...
Plant Genetic Resources (GENPLANT)
2 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities and processes genetic material of plants See more...
Forest Science and Forest Products (FORESTRY)
0 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities and processes relevant to forestry See more...
Taxonomic Classifications of Organisms (TAX)
0 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify living organisms See more...
Physical and Chemical Sciences (PHYS)
2 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities and processes in physical and chemical sciences See more...
Geographical Locations (GEO)
2 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify geographic entities See more...
Breeding and Genetic Improvement (GENBREEDING)
0 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities and processes relevant to breeding and genetic modifications See more...
The category root (category_root)
0 ontologies
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer at tortor eget elit posuere convallis eget id urna. Pellentesque mattis, leo non volutpat auctor, enim magna efficitur lectus, eu laoreet tortor mi nec tortor. Nam interdum, neque et pulvinar malesuada, velit ante condimentum neque, nec finibus sapien mauris vitae est. Vestibulum ligula magna, lobortis id odio sit amet, placerat maximus ipsum. Mauris neque ligula, dapibus ut nibh sit amet, sagittis vestibulum nulla. Nulla bibendum consectetur rutrum. Nulla tristique euismod felis et cursus. Ut tempus erat consequat, tincidunt tortor eget, dignissim nibh. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum euismod eu diam id ultrices. Maecenas quis diam dui. In ultricies nisl leo, nec sollicitudin nisl consequat nec. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi posuere nec ante non fringilla. Nunc eros eros, fringilla ac viverra et, euismod consequat velit. Integer quam lectus, tincidunt ut leo quis, vestibulum condimentum erat. Pellentesque eu blandit nisl. Ut at sapien leo. See more...
Show sub categories
The category child (category_child)
0 ontologies
to be deleted See more...
Food Security (FOOD)
4 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities and processes related to food secuoryt See more...
Agricultural Research, Technology and Engineering (TECH)
3 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities and processes related to agricultural technologies See more...
Health and Pathology (HEALTH)
1 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities and processes relevant to health See more...
Fisheries and Aquaculture (FISHERIES)
0 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities relevant to fisheries and aquaculture See more...
Plant Science and Plant Products (PLANT)
5 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities and processes in plant sciences See more...
Government, Agricultural Law and Regulations (GOVT)
1 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify government and legal entities See more...
Food and Human Nutrition (NUTRITION)
3 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities and processes related to human nutrition See more...
Rural and Agricultural Sociology (RURAL)
0 ontologies
Vocabularies to describe, model and classify entities and processes related to rural societies See more...